
I'm writing this down so that one day when I'm being emotional and moody, I can look back and remember.

When we were dating, you hated it when I massaged you. Now that we're married, you request for a massage everyday and say that it is so good.
When we were dating, you couldn't eat too much or your nose will start dripping. Now you're eating triple of that you used to.
When I threw up after drinking that awful medicine, instead of asking me to shower on time like you always do, you said "let's cuddle for ten minutes before you shower".
After we pray together, and I kiss your hand, you would pull me closer and kiss my forehead, which is the most amazing thing in the world.
When I asked you if it is okay that I'm on my period this weekend, you said "I just want to be with you. I miss you."

Being married is amazing, isn't it? I know we'll face sooo many challenges in the future. I know it will be hard. But let's get through it together, hand in hand. I love you. I'll always love you.



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