I'm Back!

So after a few years of hiding from the virtual world, I have decided to go on Facebook again. The main reason was to contact all my friends to get their addresses, so that I can send them my wedding invitation. I was a bit scared of coming out into the virtual world again, because I had been hiding from a lot of people on Facebook (exes, exes' families, my own relatives, etc.) when I deactivated my profile a few years ago. Mostly I felt that I was not free to do or say anything online, which was supposed to be the place where I could express anything and be free - kind of like an outlet. But it did not become an outlet for me. Relatives contacted me on Facebook more than they did in the real world. I could not share anything without people commenting negative things. I just felt like I was in the spotlight, and not in a good way. When I finally went on Facebook again a few weeks ago, I was a bit scared of being in that place again. It turns out I did not need to be scared. It was okay. Yes, all those people contacted me again. But it was okay. I did not feel suffocated, or that I was being judged in any way. It could be that I have grown up a bit and am sensitive towards different things now, compared to a few years ago. Friends were happy that I was online again. No one gave me a hard time for hiding away for so long. And when I scrolled the "Home" section, I realized that I did not miss a thing about Facebook. People still share useless unworthy-to-be-believed-in news. People still ramble a whole page worth of daily status. Nothing new, nothing interesting. Nothing useful, really. But I realized I had missed so many weddings because nowadays people send out invitations through Facebook. I agree that it is a useful method, since you don't really have your friends' phone numbers from a few years ago, do you? Nor do you meet them frequently. On that point alone, I decided to keep my profile online instead of deactivating it again as soon as I got all the addresses.

I still use my Tumblr and Twitter account. I just feel that Facebook is too "open" and includes too many ramblings. It is just not for me. I used to write posts on Tumblr but since I reblog so many photos, my own posts get swallowed by all the reblogs. I actually do like to read back all my posts just to reminisce and remind myself of how I feel on the days that I write those posts. Since Tumblr does not have the function to find my own posts, I have decided to write here, on Blogger.

Anyways. The weather has been amazing today. It rained and stopped and rained and stopped throughout the day, which makes it so cold (finally!). I would have hated the rain if I were outside, because the sidewalk floods so easily and the water is so dirty from all the trash, and my shoes would be soaked in water, and I only have one pair of shoes. But today I worked from home and enjoyed the cold weather because really, we only ever get it about once a month. Otherwise I would never work from home for the whole day because everyday it is just so hot and damp and I sweat so much and I feel sticky even after I shower.

It is 4.18 a.m. and it is the first time in weeks that I am not sweating in bed, and I can finally use my long-forgotten blanket, and the weather is still cold so I am going to bed now.

Good night lovelies,



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