Stroller & Pregnancy Updates

My colleague, whom I always refer to regarding pregnancy and birth preparations, advised me not to get a stroller because Malaysia is not a stroller-friendly country. There aren't a lot sidewalks for pedestrians. Plus, shopping malls offer strollers to be used inside the mall anyway, so there is no need to bring your own.

So I came off a flight a few weeks ago and came back to my apartment using public transport. The journey was, I must say, not convenient for a pregnant person. What with the broken escalators, limited elevators, construction works being done in the middle of the road, staircases leading to my apartment with no ramp available to push my luggage, and uneven roads, meaning there was no use for my bag's wheels anyway. It was the most depressing and tiring journey.

I am trying to love travel, I really am. But unless you can afford a car and parking fees, there is no convenient way to travel. Honestly.

So no, getting a stroller is definitely off my list.

On to my pregnancy.

I went for a scan with a specialist a few weeks ago, which revealed that I had fibroid in my uterus as well as thin uterus lining. The fibroid was apparently common in pregnancy. I am also constantly hungry and hence eating a lot, which means I am gaining A LOT of weight, which raised a concern. Starting this week I am supposed to visit the clinic twice a week, for two weeks, so that my blood pressure can be monitored because the doctor is worried that the weight gain might cause seizures (whether to me or to my baby, I am not sure).

The thing is I am constantly hungryyyyy. I am even hungry right this second. I went grocery shopping yesterday and bought chicken breast, tortilla wraps, and veggies. I am trying to reduce my intake of rice and would like to eat more protein and fibre instead. I also bought bananas and baby carrots for snacks. (I had one banana for breakfast this morning because there was a water disruption at the apartment, hence I couldn't prepare a breakfast wrap).

I really want to take care of the baby's health. I really want the baby to be happy and healthy. It is a bit depressing knowing that I am affecting the baby's health by eating uncontrollably.

On a happy note, I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time today!



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